Home Welcome on www.TheFloatingLab.world
On this website you will find a lot of information, ideas, handy gadgets, all made by someone who actually lives on a boat. Everything you will find here is made for sailors by sailors, developed and tested in real daily boating life.
During my years on sailing catamaran ZwerfCat I solved so many problems and found so many solutions that I could write a book about it. Heck, even better, after an increasing amount of requests to share my experiences, I decided to dedicate a whole website about it. Actually some of the content was already posted before on the ZwerfCat website, but that website was originally intended to write about our travels for friends and family, and I felt that the increasing number of "technical" articles didn't really belong there.

Since I actually own a "lab" on ZwerfCat, and a "lab" being quite a broad description that matches very well my broad activities, from brewing my own beer to launching my self developed Tuamotu pass current measurement buoys, I decided to name this website just that: "The Floating Lab".
I grew up in The Netherlands, but feeling more and more estranged from my former home country, I didn't like to have a ".nl" top-level-domain. To emphasize that I don't like the concept of imposed geographic limitations based on where you just happened to be born, I found a ".world" top-level-domain more appropriate, so there you have it: "www.thefloatinglab.world".